

Love Is A Lie - The Burning Leaves


【独立民谣】Love Is A Lie - The Burning Leaves

选自The Burning Leaves发行于2010年的同名专辑。所谓爱情,就是一个人相信了另一个人的所有谎言。你爱的不过是一个幻影。

The Burning Leaves是来自北英格兰的一支二人乐队,由Indie Mae和Craig Lee-Williams组成。清新治愈的旋律,空灵飘渺的女声,让人沉醉。

《Love Is A Lie》

I feel like
I'm changing inside
And tree and bough
Fighting of the dark
Feel that hives
I'm sleeping away
A year has passed
And all I have see
Is nothing new to me

I want to feel
The world outside is real
When through my close
And all the people know
This train is fast
I love that never lies
A year has passed
And all I have see
Is nothing new to me

I'm changing inside

Love is a lie

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